Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crazy times!

Okay - so it's been crazy around here - nothing bad, just kind of... well... crazy!

My computer died, so I'm working off my VERY slow back-up computer (aka my kids laptop). It's functioning, however I never realized how spoiled I am when it comes to web page downloads. I find myself getting so frustrated when it takes 25 seconds to download a page. What did I do before cable modem and fast computer processors? I guess it was something like - click on a page, walk away to change the laundry, click on a link, walk away to pick up some toys.... I suppose once you've experienced the luxury of instant gratification it's hard to be patient with older technology! I'm hoping to have my computer back soon! I miss you VERY MUCH! (sniff, sniff)

It's springtime here - It's quite lovely, however my ever-planning mind is racing with all of the "to-do's" of spring work. I suppose I need an attitude adjustment. I'm really not trying to be pessimistic, however I tend to look around and see the grass growing and think - oh great, I'm gonna have to mow instead of seeing the new grass growth as God's gift of beauty. I'm REALLY trying to look at life through "positive" eyes.

Things have changed for me with my church service. I was released from being the Stake Camp Director and I'm now down to just the one calling of serving as the Primary Chorister. One of my good friends was called as the new Stake Camp Director and she will be phenomenal in this calling.

I'm also trying to get my health sorted out. It's been a blessing to finally have health insurance coverage that will be easier to use since it's local and not just a "summer" thing (back when our coverage was only in Long Island). It's nice to finally get some things taken care of that have been put off for way too long.

Although Syracuse is out of the big dance - we're still having a blast with the boys and the March Madness!

And finally - my emotional state is getting better (I'm great at hiding my problems). It's hard to have gloomy days and feel like they will never end. I'm grateful for this time in life when I can see the light of day and feel the warmth of the sun (that's both literal and figurative). My days are getting brighter and I'm feeling more peace day by day!


Shelly Turpin said...

I'm glad to hear things are looking up for you. :)

Donna Leavitt said...

I have been trying to keep up with you through your blog. Just wanted to say HI.

I am glad your emotional well being is improving. I understand being depressed and am considering whether I need happy pills again, myself. We'll see!
