Friday, November 14, 2008

Is this November in NY?

Well, I would guess that it's early October with the wonderful day we've had today! The kids are outside playing enjoying this rare warm November day! It's actually in the upper 50's to low 60's and it's really pleasant.

Rich and I were able to work on clearing out the garden a bit and getting the trampoline down for winter. It's amazing how much work you have to do to get ready for each season. I see why people love the year-round comfortable living - a lot less work.

Anyway, winter is just around the corner! Cold front working it's way through and we'll be getting snow soon! It's fun to sit in the warm house with hot cocoa and watch the snow fall!


OPA said...

Mom and I went to work our shifts at the Nauvoo Temple yesterday. When we went in it was quite comfortable for Mid-November in the Upper MidWest. When we came out Friday Night, Winter had arrived. Spitting a little snow, but cold and North Wind blowing. Of all the things I like about living where we do, the one thing I do not like is the Wind. I keep thinking that somewhere out there, there is a switch to turn it off, and I just have not found it yet. The wind make cold, really really cold.

jturpin said...

that is great weather for up there. we are also in mid 60's. it was 35 this morning and that is february weather here in Houston.